In the run up to Christmas I had a few sessions, starting 15th December. With it being such a nice day I decided to take the plugs out for a rare soaking in the Strait. Probably not the best time of year to be trying this but at least it got rid of a few cobwebs. I tried a few different floating/sinking and diving lures but as expected it was a complete blank, no takers and no sign of fish.
The plan was to hit a mark that has been mentioned to me in the past for producing big bass in winter. Myself, Paul and Arwyn arrived just on low to fish a good chunk of the tide in. Wasn't sure of the exact spot to fish but after a bit of gulley hopping we found some suitable ledges that wouldn't be covered for a couple of hours. The rod tips were getting sharp rattles which meant the whiting were around so instead of reeling in I decided to leave them out there for an extra 10 minutes to see if that could tempt a big predator.
Just as I was thinking of moving my gear back my plan seemed to work, with one of the lines dropping slack. I struck in to feel a decent weight and it began to shift, taking some line against the drag. Then it just felt like a dead weight, but seriously heavy. First thoughts were conger but as it edged closed it stayed deep and I was more convinced I had a decent ray on. It came into my torch light and sure enough it was a ray, a reasonable thornback but hooked towards the tail which explained why it took such a long time to bring in. Didn't bother weighing, but it was a reasonable specimen between 7 and 8lb, a quick photo and it was back in the water.
We moved round the rocks to a spot we wouldn't be cut off for a couple of hours but a side from a few whiting and dogs the action was slow so we packed in ready for the quite hefty walk back to the cars.
In the meantime I have treated myself to some new gear, mainly lures gear, to focus on this style of fishing a bit more and catch a better variety of species (and hopefully make the car smell less!).