Once the guys were happy preparing crab baits themselves, and negotiating the pincers of some lively ragworm we were able to fish hard, in the hope that with more bait fish around, the bigger fish would start to move through the channel.
Glyn broke his duck early on and followed it up with the first doggie I've seen at this mark, while Carl was having a bit of a harder time, finding snags on more than one occasion, fish coming off in the weed, and bites not developing past the initial rattle. We weren't going to leave until he had one though, so we swapped a big pennel rig for a 3 hook flapper. The change of tactics did the trick and Carl's first bass was landed. Despite steady knocks for the next couple of casts no more fish came and with it getting very late the guys decided it was time to call it a day. Although my own expectations for the session weren't met with the bigger fish again failing to show, the guys were incredibly chuffed to get their first bass a piece, and now they've broke the ice I'm sure more will follow for them.
Monster tides at the beginning all this week made planning a bit tricky, but on Monday me and Paul headed out early doors, starting out after bass on the lures before trying for garfish. The water was perfect at our fish mark, just a bit more swell than I would have liked but clarity was good and I was optimistic to say the least. I fished hard as the sun rose, chopping and changing lures but nothing seemed to be happening. As Paul arrived I saw a follow from a fish 1-2lb size and Paul had a follow not long after but still nothing positive. I swapped over to fish a crab bait for a couple of casts and instantly had a series of short rattles. The culprits were confirmed as mirco schoolies again with one hanging off a 2/0 hook and bait nearly as big as it!
We decided to make a move, trying to catch the best part of the tide for garfish. Unfortunately were were already a little late in the tide and no amount of ground bait, lures or bubble floated mackerel strips could tempt them out of the deeper water. The persistent wind in our faces adding chop on the water I feel definitely didn't help. Paul moved to the Straits while I went home for a while and met up with him again later on, but I found myself leaving at what would have been the best time to be fishing.
With the action far out so slow, I concentrated on bumping up my species count. A couple of ballan wrasse were the first to come, followed by the biggest tompot blenny I've ever seen. Even the action close in was steady so I moved position over a gulley in an effort to tempt further bites. One drop I thought I was snagged on some seaweed so pulled up slightly. There was a bit of weight on I pulled up and there was a fish on. At first glance below I thought it was another ballan but as I lifted it out I was gobsmacked that I had a tadpole fish hanging from the line. Its a fish I've wanted to catch, but had like idea where to start tracking one down, to be effectively handed one like that was a definite bonus! I added a couple of shannies, but I was still riding the high of the tadpole fish.
I made a quick visit to Holyhead Breakwater that day as well, but very clear water and the algal bloom seemed to have put off most of the fish. 3 corkwing wrasse for my efforts saw me return to the rocks, I felt like there was a ray or two out there but time was not on my side and I had to leave before the potentially best time. However theres plenty of time for rays this year, I'll probably never see another tadpole.