Was looking at the weather forecasts through the week and it seemed to be a bit rough for my liking over the weekend until everything calmed down a bit. While at work Sunday I hatched my plan to head back out to the west coast in search of a bogey fish of mine, Bull Huss.

I arrived at the mark just after 10pm and was surprised to find only one other car there given how calm it was but by the looks of things everyone had been there in the day time. Got down to the cliffs and it loooked like this one other person had gone way to the right, leaving me with a choice of ledges. I opted for the "main ledge" where I have done well for rays in the past so setup 1 rod for rays, the other for huss. I had 2 quick doggies on the first casts and I thought I was in for another until I struck and there was a fair bit more weight to this. The fish stayed deep until right at my feet, then out of the murk popped a nice Thornback, just over 6.5lb.

My other rod I was struggling with, having not sorted either multiplier reel all I was using was a fixed spool with line that had seen better days which was snapping like bait cotton. Stripped about half the spool off before I found some more sturdy line so on went a pulley rig and it was dropped in short. A good bend had me panicking for a second, but as I lifted into it, it was surprisingly light. The culprit was soon found to be a bonus pollack about 12oz, and my first of the year. After a couple more doggies and a whiting things slowed down so I made a move to another ledge I have since nicknamed "huss hole" as despite not landing any I've had plenty of hook ups.
After a couple of doggies I lifted into another fish, this time it had some power and I could feel the head shaking I was sure this was what I came for. As it reached the surface and as I was stood quite well back, I first thought I had a plastic bag and a doggie tangled around it. then as it go closer to the rocks I thought I had another ray. Finally though it was revealed to be a huss as it unravelled itself from my line whilst in the swell. I wasn't massively confident in the line but the moment of truth had come, I got the fish riding a decent swell up the rocks... went to grab the trace... just too far out... grabbed the mainline.. PING!!! As soon as it went tight the mainline parted, leaving an decent double figure (guesstimate) huss beached for a few seconds before the next swell took it back into the drink.
After several choice swear words, good job there was no one else around, I focused on my remaining rod, still out there with half a mackerel for bait. I was about to call time as it was getting very late, when a tentative nibble became a series of good pull downs. Once again this was no doggie. Alas disaster struck again, as I lifted in to set the hook this mainline also gave way. Despite wanting to carry on and the adrenaline going I couldn't face the same thing happening again. I made my way back to the car promising myself a present of more reliable terminal gear!
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