Thursday 27 July 2017


So this is a lot shorter report than the others from the last week. Originally I had planned another double session for the Tuesday, but in the end the tides weren't favourable for my target species. After completing a load of jobs at home I eventually got out of the house, deciding to try again for pollack on the float, seeing if they feed on the ebb as well as the flood.

I rigged up the same way as last time. On the first cast with a bit of sink and draw a fish took the sandeel bait. It put up a spirited fight, initially I thought I had hooked a reasonable pollack but the fight wasn't how I expected it to be. The puzzle was solved when I saw a shimmering silver flank in the water as a mackerel was making darting runs around the place. It was a chunky one, probably the biggest I've caught for a couple of years now, and it made a perfect size for dinner the following night by itself.

I continued casting, varying the depth of the float in an effort to pick up more mackerel if the pollack weren't showing. As it turned out neither were showing anymore so I made a move around the headland to try straight out to sea for half an hour. While there I bumped into Steve who was on holiday in the area, who I'd met last week while fishing for cuckoo wrasse. After a friendly chat I left him with a couple of rigs and tips of when and where best to use them, hopefully will catch up when he's next in the area and we can get into some decent pollack or rays.

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