Friday 25 March 2016

New Mission

A family walk last year along Dinas, revealed evidence of a different species that I thought would make a nice challenge in the future. I had kept this in mind and fast forward a few months, all the planning fell into place Wednesday just gone. Initially I was a little concerned that the easterly winds of the previous week would persist and kill the fishing on the night but fortunately the day before everything swung to a south westerly breeze. Next concern was the forecast of 15 - 20 mph gusts. Having been to Dinas several times on this type of forecast I know it could have been flat calm, or gale force but in while at work it looked like it would stay on the calmer side of things and the decision was made.

What was going to be a four man mission became two men on the day due to various reasons but this meant I could concentrate fully on my own fishing. Me and Paul arrived at the car park and headed down the beach until we found a suitable looking spot. I showed him this "evidence" that led us to the mark for this particular target. Initially I only fished one rod, being unsure exactly how snaggy the ground in front of us was. It turned out not so bad as despite being able to feel the bumps of the rocks, nothing got stuck solid.

While setting up my second rod I had a take on the first and soon enough the first doggie of the night was on the beach. Not long after I had another climbing the beach and Paul was getting stuck in as well. While re baiting this rod I had another bite not too dissimilar to the first two. I felt a bit of resistance and the fish made a slight break to the right but you could have put it down to being an over active doggie.

Through a bit of luck and some skill in there as well I timed the landing with the next wave. As the water drained it revealed a nice huss on the beach and the target had been achieved after barely an hour of fishing.

It was a nice female fish about 7lb estimate. She was very wirery and wouldn't stay still long enough to get a decent photo. She went back and still with two hours till high tide we were optimistic that there would be more to come. Sadly it wasn't to be, as there were a few more doggies taken between us no more huss came to play. Having managed to catch one at the first attempt at this mark I lost a bit of focus and started breaking down old rigs which mean missing a couple of bites. Paul fished hard for the last hour and a half but despite moving further along the beach could manage anything other than dogfish either.

Even though the session fizzled out towards the end I think this mark has good potential and I will definitely be making more effort to investigate it in daylight again to get the best out of it. With the weather taking a sudden turn this weekend it was a nice last session to end on before a slightly enforced break!

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